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TheBridge Leaders Directory

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TheBridge profile: Michael Steel


*Michael is one member of TheBridge community who will be participating in SXSW. Don't miss his panel!

Name: Michael Steel

Current city: Washington, D.C.

Name: Michael Steel

Current city: Washington, DC

Current job: Partner, Hamilton Place Strategies (They are hiring, apply here!)

Past job: Spokesman to former Speaker John Boehner & former VP candidate Paul Ryan. Senior campaign advisor to FL Gov. Jeb Bush

Q. Favorite spot for a coffee meeting? We have a Starbucks machine in the office, so I usually have coffees here. It's quieter and we're always guaranteed to find seats.

Q. Describe how a skill you learned in a previous job helped you in your current job. Working on the Ways & Means Committee, the Speaker's Office, on political campaigns, and here at HPS, my job has always basically been the same: finding ways to communicate complicated public policy positions in a clear & appealing way.

Q. Job advice in three words? Write, write, write.

Q. How are you (or your company, org, nonprofit) currently bridging the gap between innovation and regulation? We work with a number of tech companies to explain the benefits they provide to consumers, employees, local communities, and the broader U.S. economy to audiences on Capitol Hill, among regulators, think tanks and other influential third party groups, and the broader public.

Q. Why are you part of TheBridge community? Why do you think it's important this community exists for tech, policy and political professionals? The new businesses being created by new technologies are the most vibrant and dynamic part of the U.S. economy, and they are often offering disruptive change in highly-regulated industries.  It is critical that policy-makers understand these new models and their benefits while also providing sensible legal protections to individual citizens and society as a whole. The Bridge helps create the conversations that make that possible.  

Q. What can innovators learn from policymakers? In a democracy, policymakers are ultimately responsible to the voters, which means - ideally - they have to focus on balancing the overall costs and benefits for society. That broader focus isn't necessarily right for innovators at fledgling start-ups, but it becomes more and more important as innovative companies scale.

Q. What can policymakers learn from innovators? A lot! Government institutions are, by definition, small- c 'conservative' - they resist the sort of disruptive change we've seen across so many areas of the private sector, which results in high costs and lower efficiency.

Q. Favorite book/podcast/long-form article you recommend? My favorite book is Tom Wolf's "The Right Stuff," but the one I've been recommending the most recently is "The Russian Revolution: A New History" by Sean McMeekin. It lays out the role that the German intelligence services played in covertly supporting the most radical faction, the Bolsheviks, in order to get Russia out of the war.

 Q. Looking back, what advice would you give yourself in the beginning of your career? Be nicer to everyone.  Whenever possible. It makes them happier, it makes you happier, and it helps build connections that will last a lifetime.  

 Q. What's one piece of advice you are still trying to master? See previous answer. 

Q. Favorite under the radar company? It's not really 'under the radar' but I've had great experiences booking Thumbtack pros for a variety of projects. 

 Q. Most underrated virtue in an employee? Attention to detail. 

 Q. Favorite app? I just checked, and far and away my 'most-used' app is Uber - for rides, scooters, and Eats 

 Q. If you had to live in another city, which would it be? This one is hard.  I miss living in Miami.  I'd love to spend another year or two living in New York.  I'm intrigued by San Francisco. There are tons of exciting things happening in my hometown of Durham, NC.  But given the combination of great food, great weather, and friendly folks, Charleston, SC is probably the winner.

 Q. Last time you were completely unplugged? My wife and I went to a wedding on Isla Holbox last month.  It was our first trip together since our son was born six month earlier. 

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