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TheBridge profile: Christine Campigotto


Name: Christine Campigotto

Current city: Washington, DC

Current job: Director of Political & Nonprofit Analytics, Civis Analytics

Past job: Policy analyst in the White House; Data manager on the Obama campaign

Q. Favorite spot for a coffee meeting? The Compass on 8th & Florida NW

Q. Describe one way how a skill you learned in a previous job helped you in your new job. Administering the voter database on the Obama campaign required me to learn how to connect with the thousands of staff and volunteers who were actually using the data outputs on a daily basis. In data science, it's really easy to get disconnected between where the data comes from and how it is--or should be--used. I learned how to think through and talk about complicated concepts like predictive models in a way that resonates with people regardless of their technical or statistical background, and to think about the whole problem - not just the part we can measure.

Q. Job advice in three words? Trust your team!
At Civis I am lucky to work with some of the smartest, most creative, and supportive colleagues I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. When we all trust each other to have ownership and autonomy, we produce more than any individual ever could.

Q. What can DC teach Silicon Valley? When you're in a nonprofit, campaign, or government agency, your metric often isn't profit - it's usually something a lot more complicated and harder to define. That means people have to be really creative and innovative about measurement and accountability. I think a lot of really smart organizations in DC could teach others about how to define, measure, and achieve a greater mission!

Q. How are you (or your company, org, nonprofit) currently bridging the gap between politics and tech? My team at Civis Analytics helps campaigns, advocacy groups, governments and nonprofits use data to identify, understand, and engage supporters and constituents. Born out of the Obama reelection campaign, Civis uses a powerful combination of best-in-class data, cutting-edge software solutions, and an interdisciplinary team of data scientists, developers, and survey science experts to make data-driven decision-making integral to how organizations reach and activate people.

Q. Most underrated virtue in an employee? Being proactive! Even among people that aren't explicitly managers or project leads - in fact, especially among them. It's a pleasure to work with people that take ownership of a problem and its solution, and I'm always eager to help them accomplish their goals. 

Q. What is your morning routine? My husband and I split up the daycare duties for our daughter, Cora. Mornings are my time! She usually wakes us up around 6:30 or so, and I really try to stay focused on her until I drop her off a couple hours later. This means reading books, playing, or even going to the playground. It's my favorite way to start the day, and always leaves me feeling good when I get to my desk in the morning. 

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